What Is Grounding?

Grounding is the practice of restoring your vital connection to the Earth.
Earthing, or grounding, is the practice of physically connecting with the Earth’s surface—by walking barefoot on grass or sand, or by using Earthing products indoors. This simple act allows your body to absorb the Earth’s natural energy in the form of free electrons.
The Earth carries a subtle, constant negative electric charge, created by sunlight and atmospheric activity. When you’re grounded, electrons flow into your body, helping it align with the Earth’s natural frequencies.
Modern life—rubber-soled shoes, elevated buildings, artificial flooring—blocks this connection. But when you reconnect, your body returns to a more natural electrical state. You may not see it, but many people say they feel the difference—more calm, more clear, and more balanced.
This is more than wellness. It’s physics. And it starts beneath your feet.

The Earth is a source of natural energy.
Think of it like a giant battery, constantly charged by the sun and alive with subtle electric pulses.
When you walk barefoot on the beach or stand on wet grass, you may feel a gentle tingling or warmth in your feet. That’s your body connecting with what we like to call Vitamin G or “Vitamin Ground.”
This energy comes from the Earth’s surface, which carries a natural negative charge created by a mix of sunlight, atmospheric activity, lightning, and rain. When you touch the Earth directly, whether through your bare skin or with an Earthing product, you absorb free electrons from its surface.
These electrons are nature’s built-in tool to help living systems stay in rhythm and balance. Plants, animals, and humans in natural environments are constantly grounded. But modern life with rubber shoes, synthetic flooring, and indoor living, disconnects us.
Earthing reconnects you. And your body feels the difference.
Our ancestors didn’t have to think about grounding—it was just part of life.
They spent their days walking barefoot, sleeping close to the ground, and working outdoors with their hands and feet in the soil. From morning to night, their bodies were in near-constant contact with the Earth’s surface. This natural connection helped support balance, rhythm, and well-being—without them ever needing to know the science behind it. Grounding wasn’t something they had to practice—it was something they lived.
Today, that connection is mostly gone. We wear rubber-soled shoes that block the Earth’s natural charge. We live in buildings with synthetic floors, far from the ground. We spend nearly all our time inside, surrounded by electronics and disconnected from the planet beneath us.
This disconnect leaves our bodies missing something important: the steady flow of free electrons that helps keep us in balance. Without it, we may carry around too much positive charge, which can throw our systems out of sync.

Your body needs grounding, just like your home
Your body runs on electricity. Your heart beats, your brain thinks, your muscles move, and your immune system responds—all using tiny electrical signals. Just like a house needs grounding to stay safe and stable, your body needs a connection to the Earth. When that connection is lost, an important part of how your body stays working properly is missing. Most people don't realize that being un-grounded can affect how they feel.
By reconnecting with the Earth either outside or with Earthing products, you help restore balance to your body.

Our ancestors were grounded 24/7, so the more you get grounded the better. 30 minutes is the minimum amount of time recommended to be grounded each day.
- PLANTS & LIVING TREES (especially with wet bark)
- GRAVEL & ROCK (that is touching the earth)
- UNSEALED CONCRETE (or coated with a water-based sealant)
- UNSEALED BRICK (or coated with a water-based sealant)
- BODIES OF WATER (like oceans, lakes, and streams)
If You Can't Get Grounded Outside....Start Earthing Inside!
Depending on where you live and what season it is, it’s not always possible to be outdoors barefoot every day. Plus, with work, family, and other responsibilities, it can be difficult to find time each day to connect with the Earth. The solution? Use Earthing® products when you’re indoors!
How Do Earthing Products Connect You?